2023 Legislation: Health Insurance for the Wrongfully Convicted

HB 1455 (Authors: Anchía; Lambert; Bhojani; Rose; Garcia | Sponsor: Johnson), Relating to health care benefits of persons wrongfully imprisoned. Under existing law, those who have been wrongfully incarcerated and exonerated are eligible to receive the same health benefits as if they were an employee with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. However, this has not applied to the exoneree’s spouse or other dependents. HB 1455 extends healthcare eligibility to spouses and dependents of exonerees. Effective on 9/1/23

During the 2023 session of the Texas Legislature, the Texas Center for Justice and Equity tracked around 40 youth and adult justice bills that made it to the Governor's desk. You can find links to all of our analyses in our 2023 Bill Analysis Guide.